Category: Inspirational
Desire: The Power to Create
Which Jesus are You Following?
Building a House
Be Fruitful and Multiply
What does it truly mean to be fruitful? It may not be what you think!
The Door
Many of us are led to the door but few of us will walk through. Sometimes it’s fear that holds us back, sometimes it is not understanding how God prepares us for what awaits us on the other side of the door. Either way I hope that you find this message an encouragement and strengthening…
Manifest Your Name
What does it mean to manifest His Name? Join me on this journey of discovery into freedom in the Christ reality.
New Set of Glasses
Everyone of us see through filters. These filters can improve or worsen our vision depending on the filter or glasses we choose to wear. Today we try on a new pair of glasses to enable us to experience or see something that perhaps was not seen before.
Straighten Things Out
This message didn’t go over well 31 years ago when I first taught it. Hopefully we are ready to go a little further today.