Category: Inspirational
Freedom vs Profit
It was for freedom that Christ set us free but are we taking responsibility for our freedom?
Born Again
What does it really mean to be Born Again? The answer might just surprise you. If you dare, listen in to this life changing message.
Crown Of Thorns
We have been set free from spiritual blindness, therefore let us walk in our freedom!
I’m not afraid – Bianca Ede 2019-09-15
Protected: How We Got Here: 2019-07-28
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
What is a cycle? What is a healthy cycle and what is an unhealthy cycle?
19-04-28 Regan Ede
Love Your Neighbor
The journey of loving your neighbor is begun with learning to love yourself (your Christ identity)
Taste and See
Insights for 2019