A biblical look at what true authority is and how it functions.
Change is the essential process of all existence.
The Shelter of Peace
Are you struggling with fear? Here is some information that could help you move into freedom!
Are you struggling with fear? Here is some information that could help you move into freedom!
Go Out and Be Led
Do you find yourself frustrated in your faith journey? Are you thinking “This God stuff doesn’t work”? Check out this message; you might just be surprised at what you find.
Do you find yourself frustrated in your faith journey? Are you thinking “This God stuff doesn’t work”? Check out this message; you might just be surprised at what you find.
The Power of Who You Are
Condemnation is the result of a lack of proper identity. When we discover our true identity we tap into a power that will change our world!
Condemnation is the result of a lack of proper identity. When we discover our true identity we tap into a power that will change our world!
Insights 2016
This teaching from Isaiah 60: 1-6 will bring further insight into the wondrous year that awaits us. It will build our hope and stir our faith and help us to walk through the things we don’t understand.
This teaching from Isaiah 60: 1-6 will bring further insight into the wondrous year that awaits us. It will build our hope and stir our faith and help us to walk through the things we don’t understand.
What Kind of Report are You Giving?
If you will practice seeing the possibilities instead of the problems, then for you anything becomes possible!
If you will practice seeing the possibilities instead of the problems, then for you anything becomes possible!
David & Jeanne McGrew
Many thanks to David & Jeanne McGrew for their timely input into our family here at the Rainbow Centre!
Many thanks to David & Jeanne McGrew for their timely input into our family here at the Rainbow Centre!
In the next few months there will be much talk about the upcoming year of Jubilee. Much of the talk will be fear based. Let us go back to the scriptures and see the blessing that awaits a people who are expecting the blessing. What is Jubilee? What is a Jew? What should we be…
In the next few months there will be much talk about the upcoming year of Jubilee. Much of the talk will be fear based. Let us go back to the scriptures and see the blessing that awaits a people who are expecting the blessing. What is Jubilee? What is a Jew? What should we be expecting? Listen in and you will find some answers!