This teaching from Isaiah 60: 1-6 will bring further insight into the wondrous year that awaits us. It will build our hope and stir our faith and help us to walk through the things we don’t understand.
Change is the essential process of all existence.
Insights 2016
This teaching from Isaiah 60: 1-6 will bring further insight into the wondrous year that awaits us. It will build our hope and stir our faith and help us to walk through the things we don’t understand.
What Kind of Report are You Giving?
If you will practice seeing the possibilities instead of the problems, then for you anything becomes possible!
If you will practice seeing the possibilities instead of the problems, then for you anything becomes possible!
David & Jeanne McGrew
Many thanks to David & Jeanne McGrew for their timely input into our family here at the Rainbow Centre!
Many thanks to David & Jeanne McGrew for their timely input into our family here at the Rainbow Centre!
In the next few months there will be much talk about the upcoming year of Jubilee. Much of the talk will be fear based. Let us go back to the scriptures and see the blessing that awaits a people who are expecting the blessing. What is Jubilee? What is a Jew? What should we be…
In the next few months there will be much talk about the upcoming year of Jubilee. Much of the talk will be fear based. Let us go back to the scriptures and see the blessing that awaits a people who are expecting the blessing. What is Jubilee? What is a Jew? What should we be expecting? Listen in and you will find some answers!
The Work of God
Do you know what the work of God is that we are to perform? If you are not sure than I suggest that you listen in to find out more.
Do you know what the work of God is that we are to perform? If you are not sure than I suggest that you listen in to find out more.
Baby’s Coming
Now that we have entered into 2015, we must take the responsibility of nurturing our unborn baby, that life of Christ within, that promise we are expecting.
Now that we have entered into 2015, we must take the responsibility of nurturing our unborn baby, that life of Christ within, that promise we are expecting.
The Keys to The Kingdom
It is high time we stop waiting for God to do something; if we are waiting for God then perhaps we think that He is lagging behind. Have you ever considered that He is waiting for you to do something. Study your scriptures; we are to wait upon the LORD. Upon means to take a…
It is high time we stop waiting for God to do something; if we are waiting for God then perhaps we think that He is lagging behind. Have you ever considered that He is waiting for you to do something. Study your scriptures; we are to wait upon the LORD. Upon means to take a higher position, a position with Him but as you find that position then grab those Keys He gave you 2000 years ago and start opening a door or operating a vehicle. You may be surprised at what takes place!
There is No Spoon
Do not try to move the mountain, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth………There is no mountain…….Then you will see that it is not the mountain that moves, it is only yourself.
Do not try to move the mountain, that’s impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth………There is no mountain…….Then you will see that it is not the mountain that moves, it is only yourself.