When God looks at us, He sees a masterpiece. He doesn’t see our failures and mistakes. He sees our beauty. For example, think of Van Gogh’s masterpiece ‘Starry Night’. When I look at this picture, I see beauty. I see light swirling through the darkness. I see light swirling into the chaos I create in my life at times, bringing its beauty and illumination into my life. I see the light touching everything. I see a masterpiece. I don’t see an empty canvas and a palette of colors and paintbrushes. I don’t see the confusion in Van Gogh himself as he tries to create this masterpiece. I don’t see his fears and insecurities, his mental illness or his suicide. I see beauty. It doesn’t matter what you go through in life, the mistakes you’ve made, how successful you think you are or are not. What matters is that you are the beloved masterpiece of the Creator Himself and He has and always will see you as His masterpiece.

His Masterpiece
One response to “His Masterpiece”
Strong thoughts, well researched and authentically written. Good Job Robin!
I liked it 🙂
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