Something BIG is on the horizon. It’s almost as if a new dimension is unfolding before us. There are many openings being revealed and we choose which ones to walk into. Some are physical openings – doors into new relationships. Some are spiritual dimensions being awakened deep within. Some will feel scary and uncomfortable but choose not to allow that to keep you from stepping into them. There’s a path to be walked in this next phase that is critical for what we’re embarking on. Don’t fear the path. It’s already been prepared. Trust that your feet will step onto a firm foundation. I see … it’s almost like clear crystals with rainbows in them … they appear under our feet as we step forward – very similar to Indiana Jones’ leap of faith in The Last Crusade. Don’t fear the path. It’s already there waiting for us to step out. Step out boldly. Hold nothing back. True freedom is found when we boldly step out.

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