• His Masterpiece

    His Masterpiece

    When God looks at us, He sees a masterpiece. He doesn’t see our failures and mistakes. He sees our beauty. For example, think of Van Gogh’s masterpiece ‘Starry Night’. When I look at this picture, I see beauty. I see light swirling through the darkness. I see light swirling into the chaos I create in…

  • Taste and See

    Taste and See

    Psalm 34:8 Oh taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him! There are times that my heart cries out as I watch how we as westerners attempt to establish a relationship with the infinite Lord. We tend to believe that a spiritual relationship is derived…

  • Awareness in the Now

    Awareness in the Now

    Why is it that we find ourselves struggling and striving to prove ourselves in the eyes of others? Depriving ourselves of the momentary pleasures that pass us by each day. Fearful that if we take our foot off the accelerator then someone will pass us by and leave us in the dust. I have often…

  • Jars of Clay

    Jars of Clay

    We will always have some people who view us as plain and ordinary, perhaps even worthless. Some people focus so much on the external that they miss the beauty of the internal. We humans are far more than our outer shell – our bodies – our surface conversations. There is depth in everyone. Sometimes we…

  • Is Jesus a Law Breaker?

    Is Jesus a Law Breaker?

    What a question to ask! I guess it would depend on whose perspective you were looking from. Remember that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Let us start by looking at a portion of scripture in Luke 6:1-11. Here we find Jesus and His disciples walking through a grain field on the Sabbath and…

  • Having Eyes but Cannot See

    Having Eyes but Cannot See

    The year was 1979 and I was 19 years old and entering the second year of my automotive apprenticeship. I loved working on cars, but I especially loved working on “Muscle Cars”. This love was so strong that I had an unofficial side business of being the “poor man’s” muscle car shop. Young people that…