Author: Robin Wlodarczyk

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    I was sitting here thinking about the concept of strengths and weaknesses in our lives. In my experience I’ve noticed that people, including myself, tend to measure ourselves and others based on strengths and weaknesses. This does more damage than good as strengths and weaknesses are subjective. What is seen as a strength to one…

  • Seasons

    Seasons are a wonderful part of our world. I am thankful I live in a place where I experience all four seasons – spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each season carries with it its own beauty. Spring is full of new life and growth as the colours emerge from the sleep of winter. Summer boasts…

  • Step Out

    Step Out

    Something BIG is on the horizon. It’s almost as if a new dimension is unfolding before us. There are many openings being revealed and we choose which ones to walk into. Some are physical openings – doors into new relationships. Some are spiritual dimensions being awakened deep within. Some will feel scary and uncomfortable but…

  • Diversity and Inclusion

    Diversity and Inclusion

    I’ve been pondering the ideas of diversity and inclusion lately. These are two words that we hear quite often in society. I believe that for the most part people these days are drawn to diversity and inclusion. There are still some stuck in segregation yet there are many who are truly seeing the beauty in…

  • The Diversity of Plants and People

    The Diversity of Plants and People

    Lately I’ve become somewhat of a plant mom. I used to be one who struggled to keep house plants alive. Sadly, I’ve killed several over the years. A year ago, I had a total of four house plants. By the spring I had 10, hoping to keep them alive. As of today, I have 37…

  • The Importance of Remaining Open

    The Importance of Remaining Open

    Have you ever noticed how so many people are afraid of being wrong? Why do we focus so much attention on either being right or wrong? Isn’t there more to life than this binary way of thinking? When we base our thoughts, decisions, beliefs, etc., on being either right or wrong, one or the other,…