Author: Robin Wlodarczyk

  • His Masterpiece

    His Masterpiece

    When God looks at us, He sees a masterpiece. He doesn’t see our failures and mistakes. He sees our beauty. For example, think of Van Gogh’s masterpiece ‘Starry Night’. When I look at this picture, I see beauty. I see light swirling through the darkness. I see light swirling into the chaos I create in…

  • Jars of Clay

    Jars of Clay

    We will always have some people who view us as plain and ordinary, perhaps even worthless. Some people focus so much on the external that they miss the beauty of the internal. We humans are far more than our outer shell – our bodies – our surface conversations. There is depth in everyone. Sometimes we…

  • Thoughts on 1 Corinthians 13

    Thoughts on 1 Corinthians 13

    Love must be the heartbeat of everything we say and do if we are one with Christ. If you take love out of Christianity you are left with a set of rules, a list of do’s and don’ts and rights and wrongs. This misses the heartbeat of God. God is love – true love, not…