With all the talk, blogs, prophecies and even movies about the year 2012, it is of little wonder that people are asking questions about this year perhaps more than any in the past (with the possible exception to Y2K). What makes this year so different than those gone by? I believe the answer lies in an underlying restlessness within the minds and hearts of many, that this is the end of something. We are not exactly sure of what that is but deep inside we are convinced that this is so.
I believe that our perceptions are true in part, this is the end of something but it is also the birthing of something new. Dispensational changes have occurred throughout our history and again we stand at the threshold of a new awareness, a new understanding. Let us be careful not to get caught up in the externals where fears can create anomalies and the wiles of the human imagination but rather let us see with the eyes of our inner man, our human spirit where God speaks and reveals Himself. What has changed and is changing are the way we look at life, the way we interact with mankind and the way we see God and His ongoing relationships with us. You see the world has changed but it is the world inside of you, the unfolding reality that I am already one with God as I am already one with you. When the Father looks at us He sees His one and only Son, a Corporate Son, not individual sons. Beloved, the day of the individual has passed; God is pouring His life into the earth through a container called “Grace and Truth” from the hands of His Son of whom we are His body.
When 2012 comes to conclusion you will find two camps in Christendom, one group will be business as usual and the other will enter into a new domain in Christ and experience the reality of 2 Corinthians 5:17 (Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new).
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