Category: Inspirational
In the next few months there will be much talk about the upcoming year of Jubilee. Much of the talk will be fear based. Let us go back to the scriptures and see the blessing that awaits a people who are expecting the blessing. What is Jubilee? What is a Jew? What should we be…
The Work of God
Do you know what the work of God is that we are to perform? If you are not sure than I suggest that you listen in to find out more.
Baby’s Coming Part 2
Buckle up, here comes part 2!
Baby’s Coming
Now that we have entered into 2015, we must take the responsibility of nurturing our unborn baby, that life of Christ within, that promise we are expecting.
Three Questions
These “Three Questions” are the determining factor in every decision we make in life. These “Three Questions” answer why we do what we do!
Insights 2014
On November 4th of this year (2013) I had a very significant dream. Firstly I would like to say that I believe that God speaks to us and reveals thing to us in dreams and visions. Anyways, back to the dream. In this dream I found myself flying (something like Superman), this in itself is…
I create as I speak and so do you!
Lookin’ for Love in All the Wrong Places
Some of you (if you are as old as me) when you hear those words automatically think of the 1980 movie “Urban Cowboy” starring John Travolta. The song “Lookin’ for Love” was the mantra of the day, especially in the Country Music scene. The days of crying in my beer over that cheating woman were…
Keep it Simple
Why is it that so many people take the simple things of life and make them so complicated? Take for instance “The Will of God”, I’ve watched people fret, strive and worry to find the simplest of answers in the most difficult of ways. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 say to “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in…